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•  Promoting peer-to-peer support through the cultivation and fostering of professional relationships and mentoring.


•  Reach new M&O leaders and non-members.

•  Inform District Leadership of WAMOA resources.

•  Promote leadership at the region level. 

•  Promote participation in WAMOA-sponsored events.


•  Regular Region meetings, in person or Zoom.

•  Peer-to-peer support via coffee breaks.

•  Booth presence in WASBO, WASA and WSSDA conferences.

•  Disseminate promotional materials such as a brochure and "What's In It For Me" widely


•  Survey members and ed partners on how you heard about WAMOA.

•  Report WAMOA ambassador activities in board reports.

we are collaborative.


   Providing opportunities for school facilities-focused leadership education. 

   Sharing best practices in support of creating healthy, safe environments for student learning.

   Collaborating to address challenges and crises that affect Washington schools.

   Connect members to training opportunities and mentors.


   Facilitate relevant professional development opportunities.     

●  Promote WAMOA professional certification program.

●  Promote avenues for collaboration among members.

●  Promote  and Develop Knowledge Pool


  Add WAMOA participation to professional certification qualification.

  Create a district certification-focused resource page to inform members of certification and/or compliance requirements. 

  Continue virtual opportunities to be more inclusive and accessible to members.

  Expand opportunities for engagement with ed partners through Ed Partner Resource Page online and written communications.


  Report participants in WAMOA certification or professional certification programs.

  Report web traffic to resource pages/member-focused pages on the website.  

we are advocates.


  Working with state legislators to support full funding for the maintenance and operation of school assets.

  Partnering with other school-focused organizations.


  Facilitate personal interactions with legislators.

  Utilize collaboration to present a unified message to legislators.


      Prioritize participation in Day on the Hill, Legislative Day with Mitch; Interim School Tours with Legislators.

      Prepare participants for legislative interactions with unified messaging to enhance effectiveness.

      Develop AEA priorities that reflect and reinforce WASA and related priorities.

      Mentor future TAC and Legislative representatives. 

      Relate session reporting to AEA priorities and in laypersons' language.


  Graphically report on contacts/visits.  

  Report school tour with legislators. 

  Report outcomes on grants that WAMOA partners with OSPI. 

•  TAC and Legislative Highlights in Journal; full reports on website.

Contact Us:

T: (509) 202-7843 PO Box #1955

E: Deer Park, WA 99006

Copyright© WAMOA 2016 WAMOA is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization.

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